Longaví is the personal project of two friends from different continents who came together in 2012 to produce wines together, the Chilean Julio Bouchon and the South African David Nieuwoudt. Julio, descendant of a French wine pioneer who arrived in Chile in 1887, is the producer, and David, owner of Cederberg one of the most prestigious wineries in South Africa, is the oenologist.


Julio, the Producer

Julio is a journalist by profession, but an oenologist at heart. He sees relationships with customers, and participates in wine tastings and blending decisions. He enjoys expressing his passion for the outdoors through the wines he creates. The prestigious magazine Decanter (UK) has recognized Julio among the top 10 winemakers in South America.


David, the Winemaker

David completed his studies at Elsenburg Agricultural College in South Africa. The wines produced by his winery Cederberg Private Cellar-with 5 generations of his family-have been recognized multiple times by Decanter magazine (UK) and other publications.


Expression of your terroir

Longaví wants to reflect the deep diversity of Chilean wines, with freshness and personality. Each Longaví wine combines grapes and terroir that express the individuality of each vineyard, and is made with varieties that express the full power of the valley. In the winery, there is no standard recipe, but a desire to respect the origin of the grapes with techniques that honor that origin.